Educational Media Studies 200 is a 3-credit course. This course is designed to introduce undergraduate students to the appropriate and innovative use of technology in K-6 classrooms. Students will learn new and emerging technology tools, explore and critique emerging forms of media, and engage in alternate pedagogies appropriate for learning in the digital age.
The course, through a series of exercises, assignments and class discussions related to skill-acquisition and practical school application, provides the knowledge and skills to use software successfully in the classroom and for educational publishing projects. The primary aim of the course is to facilitate the development of computer skills that are applicable in an educational environment.
The course introduced and exposed me to a lot of useful online web tools and resources, which helped me to have a better understanding about the technologies potential for strengthening students critical thinking, writing, reflection, and interactive learning.
This guide demonstrates how web tools can generate exciting new learning formats, and explains how to apply these tools in the classroom to engage all students in a new world of synchronous and asynchronous information feeds and interactive learning. With detailed, simple explanations, definitions, and how tos, critical information on Internet safety and helpful links, this exciting book opens an immense toolbox, with specific teaching applications or weblogs, the most widely adopted tool of the read/write web. Wikis, a collaborative webspace for sharing published content, RSS feeding specific content into the classroom, Aggegators, collecting content generated via the RSS feed, Social bookmarking, archiving specific web addresses. Online photo galleries. This book makes it possible for anyone, no matter how inexperienced, to harness this amazing technology for the classroom today!
Tim Berners-Lee had a grand vision for the Internet when he began development of the World Wide Web in 1989. “ Make it a collaborative medium, a place where we could all meet and read and write”.
A vast Web of linked information, creating the ability to share not just data but personal talents and experience in new powerful ways. A new colourful graphic world of information for the masses.
Content was limited in the early days- Millions of people soon started going online to read or surf the web for information or entertainment. As access spread, connections became faster and more and more web designers and authors set up shop, the twentieth century ended with the internet taking its place as an essential communications and research network connecting people around the globe. Collaberation was difficult at those times.
Development of easy internet publishing tools have done much to fulfil the concept of a read/write web- As early as 2003 53 Million American Adults, or 44 percent of internet users were using the internet to publish their thoughts, respond to others, post pictures, share files and otherwise contribute to the explosion of content available online. 64 percent of all teens who use internet could be considered “content creators”.
Media tries their best to filter, edit and synthesize all the information, but with technology as it is today it creates a new model of journalism “ SOCIETY OF AUTHORSHIP”
The ability for anyone to easily publish text, pictures and videos with their, Cell phones, and computers they capture the attention of the world with their non-stop photos, videos, blog posts, and tweets. Newspapers buy on the spot news photos from people with camera phones and run amateur video of news events. They invite their readers to participate, comment on any story, add opinions, ask further q’s or even correct what was written. Businesses using web logs, wikis and even twitter, from public relations to customer service to internal communications.Teachers and every student-every person with access- Has the ability to contribute ideas, and experiences to the larger body of knowledge that is the interent.
Much more complex in terms of who to trust and what to believe. More fact checks to be done.
Without questions, our ability to easily publish content online and to connect to vast networks of passionate learners will force us to rethink the way we communicate with our constituents, the way we deliver our curriculum, and the expectations we have of our students. The web also has the potential to radically change what we assume about teaching and learning, and it presents us with important questions to consider. 1. What needs to change about our curriculum when our students have the ability to reach audiences far beyond our classroom walls? 2. What changes must we make in our teaching as it become easier to bring primary sources to our students? 3. How do we need to rethink our ideas of literacy when we must prepare our students to become not only readers and writers, but editors and collaberators and publishers as well?
Most importantly, how can we as learners begin to take advantage of the opportunities these tools present, so we can understand more clearly the pedagogies used in the classroom?
Constructionist, collaborative pedagogy of Weblogs, wikis, digital photo and video, these tools have considerable relevance to state and local core content curriculum standards, and there is much reason to believe their implementation in schools will better prepare students for a slew of new literacies and competencies in their post education lives.
Students prefer to access subject information on the internet, where it is more abundant, more accessible and more up to date. More kids are entering into the classrooms having had years of screen time and that in general, while they still may have a lot to learn about living in the digital world, they are by and large fearless in their use of technology. Technology has become an indispensable tool in the education of todays students.
The online life has become an entire strategy for how to live, survive, and thrive in the twenty-first century where cyberspace is a part of everyday life. Years of computer use results in children who “think differently from us. They develop hypertext minds. They leap around. Its as though their cognitive structures were parallel, not sequential.
A growing majority of students are immersed in social networks and technologies outside of school, and most have no adults in their lives who are teaching them how to use those connections to learn. At a time when our access to information, people and ideas is exploding online, that reality is simply unacceptable.
Living and Learning with New Media: Summary of Findings from the Digital Youth Project
A growing majority of students are immersed in social networks and technologies outside of school, and most have no adults in their lives who are teaching them how to use those connections to learn. At a time when our access to information, people and ideas is exploding online, that reality is simply unacceptable.
Living and Learning with New Media: Summary of Findings from the Digital Youth Project
Read/write web to find its way into schools, students and teachers will be launched on a path of discovery and learning like they have never experienced before.
These are the technologies that are changing the way we teach and learn, we covered a mix of those that publish, those that manage information, and those that share content in new collaborative ways.
What is a blog?
(Connective Writing and Connective Thinking)
Reflections and Conversation. Weblogs promote critical and analytical thinking, they are a powerful promoter of creative, intuitive and associational thinking. A medium for increasing access and exposure to quality information and combines the best of solitary reflection and social interaction.
Weblogs in the Classroom
Blogs can enhance and deepen learning, blogs can be used as class portals, online filing cabinets for students work, eportfolios, collaborative space, knowledge management and even school web sites.
is an Online document, Easy authoring tool, publishing site, a web site where anyone can edit anything anytime they want.
It is a democratic process of knowledge creation. In wikis students are not only learning how to publish content they are also learning how to develop and use all sorts of collaborative skills, negotiating with others to agree on correctness, meaning, relevance and more.
An online text book created by students for students is an example.
Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
A commonly used protocol for syndication and sharing of content, originally developed to facilitate the syndication of news articles, now widely used to share the contents of blogs.
An online feed reader, generally used for RSS or Atom feeds to keep track of updates to blogs, news sources, and other websites all on one page. Users can subscribe to the aggregator to receive feeds via email
Google Reader is an aggregator…This would be useful for students and teachers because you can read more in less time, analyze, synthesize quicker,
You Create groups of topics and receive info/updates/new releases all related to the topic, creates links to interesting sites and it cuts out the search time.
Online Photo Galleries
Audio/Video Casting
Is a Personal Learning Site
Social Networking Sites
These are the technologies that are changing the way we teach and learn, we covered a mix of those that publish, those that manage information, and those that share content in new collaborative ways.
What is a blog?
(Connective Writing and Connective Thinking)
Reflections and Conversation. Weblogs promote critical and analytical thinking, they are a powerful promoter of creative, intuitive and associational thinking. A medium for increasing access and exposure to quality information and combines the best of solitary reflection and social interaction.
Weblogs in the Classroom
Blogs can enhance and deepen learning, blogs can be used as class portals, online filing cabinets for students work, eportfolios, collaborative space, knowledge management and even school web sites.
is an Online document, Easy authoring tool, publishing site, a web site where anyone can edit anything anytime they want.
It is a democratic process of knowledge creation. In wikis students are not only learning how to publish content they are also learning how to develop and use all sorts of collaborative skills, negotiating with others to agree on correctness, meaning, relevance and more.
An online text book created by students for students is an example.
Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
A commonly used protocol for syndication and sharing of content, originally developed to facilitate the syndication of news articles, now widely used to share the contents of blogs.
An online feed reader, generally used for RSS or Atom feeds to keep track of updates to blogs, news sources, and other websites all on one page. Users can subscribe to the aggregator to receive feeds via email
Google Reader is an aggregator…This would be useful for students and teachers because you can read more in less time, analyze, synthesize quicker,
You Create groups of topics and receive info/updates/new releases all related to the topic, creates links to interesting sites and it cuts out the search time.
Online Photo Galleries
Audio/Video Casting
Is a Personal Learning Site
Social Networking Sites
Webtools/Online resources
Keeping students safe on the Read/Write Web. Safety is now about responsibility, appropriatness and common sense. It is our obligation to teach students what is acceptable and safe and what isn’t.
Risks are greatly reduced by having the appropriate information in hand and by planning. But as much as we may try to stop all forms of inappropriate content from being accessible from school, the reality is that some in not filtered. We have to teach students the skills they need to navigate the darker sides of the web safely and effectively.
Teaching younger children- Takes great deal of planning and testing before going online. Teachers should
Create own web tours before hand and limit the amount of freedom students have to surf. Teaching appropriate use is critical.
There is also a growing gap between how this digital generation defines privacy and the way most adults do. To our kids, making their lives come alive online is apart of the way they live. Communicationg and collaborating with peers using instant or text messaging, twitter or their myspace, accounts allows them to be “always on” and always connected. That is their expectation, one that has changed greatly in just the past ten years. And the reality is that we are not going to get any less plugged in or any less open in terms of how we live our lives. These shifts will only become more acute.
Protect the privacy of students
1. Parental approval/permission, use discreation in what is uploaded
2. Ownership of the work they publish online
Decide who is the audience, How to identify who the student is with just first names, codes, numbers, anonymity
3. Important for teacher, student, parent to negotiate how much can be shown online
New literacy’s /Computer literacy
In the age of the read/write web, the explosion of information and online technologies demands a more complex definition of what it means to be literate
First due in large measure to the ease with which people can now publish to the internet, consumers of web content need to be editors as well as readers.
Be an active reader
Active consumers of that information rather than passively accepting it as legitimate. Editing, then, means being a critical reader and viewer, not simply accepting what is presented.
Literate in the ways of publishing
Manage information that we consume. Our students will be required to collect, store and retrieve relevant information thoroughout their lives, and we need to give them the skills to do so effectively and efficiently
1. Open content
2. Many, Many teachers and 24/7 Learning
Connecting to many specialists in different areas
3. The Social, Collaborative Construction of Meaningful Knowledge
Real stuff
4. Teaching is Conversation, Not Lecture
5. Know “where” Learning
6. Readers Are No Longer Just Readers
Assume Responsibility
7. The Web as Notebook (or Portfolio)
8. Writing is No longer Limited to Text
We can write in audio, and video, in music, in digital photographs and even in code such as Javascript, and we can publish all of it easily for extended audiences
9. Mastery is the product, not the test
10. Contribution, Not Completion as the Ultimate Goal
The Read/Write Web what it makes it mean to be a teacher
- Teachers will have to start to see themselves as connectors, not only of content, but of people
- Teachers must become content creators as well. To teach these technologies effectively, educators must learn to use them effectively. They need to become bloggers and pod casters, to use wiki and the other social tools at their disposal.
- Teachers also need to become true collaborators. In addition, not just with each other, but with their students as well.
- Teachers need to think of themselves more as coaches who model the skill that students need to be successful and motivate them to strive for excellence
- Teachers who use the tools of the Read/Write web need to be change agents.
Real learning takes place after we publish, through the connections we make with others to extend the meaning of what we publish in new and profound ways. That is the real power of “The Read/Write Web”. The internet will continue to explode as the most comprehensive source of information in history. There is no doubt that the ability of our teachers and students to use that knowledge effectively is of the highest importance.
To integrate web technologies into the curriculum of Nunavut is to expand the walls of the classroom for our students, and to open connections, open conversations, open content, and open learning. I find that is the most important aspect in education is to being open, and especially open to new ideas.